
About Me & Sorting Sprinkles

About Valerie

Born and raised in Quebec, Canada, Sorting Sprinkles' editor Valerie completed her B.A. in Education with a specialty in teaching High Schoolers English as a Second Language and History.

Valerie does not currently hold a Montessori certification but certainly aspires to do so soon. In the meantime, she has read extensively on the subject and continues to do so.

Her current interests include traveling, photography, crafting, baking, and reading classic literature. She presently lives in Germany with her husband, son and daughter.

Valerie and children
The children and I strolling in the gardens

About Sorting Sprinkles

Sorting Sprinkles was created in the summer of 2012 as a way to document the "schooling" of "Adrian" and "Zahavah". Prior to the launch of the blog, a simple notebook was used to record the progress of each child but it soon became evident that something more was needed to keep track of the activities done: pictures. As such, Sorting Sprinkles was put together and has since revised its purpose: to remember what the children did but also to share it, because why not? To know where Sorting Sprinkles likes to link up, visit the Linky Party tab at the top of the page.


  1. Hey - Welcome to our country. I am a German in Germany ;-) How did you end up here?
    Just found your website, will like it on FB :) My daughter (born Sept. 2008) loves its pinkish layout! Viele Grüße aus dem Norden, Conny

    1. Thank you for the greetings Conny. So far, everyone has been quite welcoming of us here in Germany. Long story short, my husband's work allows us to move around quite a bit and we missed Europe so we decided to come back. (We lived in Denmark a few years ago). Glad your little girl likes the design of the blog. I like pink too! :)

  2. Wow, thank you for sharing all tthis great ideas. You seem to have a similar thinking in prearing topics, units and activitys....only that I have not so much spare time for blogging about it :-) Anyways...Your blog is totally inspiring for me. I found it yesterday and went through your archives for hours. Big compliment and thank yous! From Switzerland - Zisca V

    1. I know what you mean. I don't actually have that much time to blog but my entries are mostly to keep tabs on what we did with photos and links so we can do it again the year after. :) I must admit sharing with other people does make me feel very happy and reading their comments (like reading yours just now) felt very rewarding. You ought to give it a try! :) I'm glad my blog inspired you and that you found some ideas. Come back anytime for more. I'll be blogging for a while more I believe... :) Cheers from neighboring Germany

  3. Merci Valerie pour ton site, je suis tombé par hasard sur ton site ( amie de facebook a partagé tes crayons de cire fait maison) .. Superbes idées!! bravo!!

    Josee de Mont-St-Hilaire, Quebec!

    1. Merci Josee d'etre passee et d'avoir laisse un commentaire. Ca fait toujours plaisir d'avoir des petits mots; surtout lorsqu'ils viennent de notre petit coin natal! :)

  4. I just found your website and I am so glad that I did! As I was looking through I notice all the pictures from around Europe (Neuschwanstein Castle, Astronimical Clock). My family and I currently live in Germany as well because of my husbands job. We are starting to look into homeschooling our 1 1/2 yr old son and you have so much info on here that we can use! Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Shanna! Glad you found my blog and left a comment. I haven't blogged for a while but I should be back to it soon. I might even do a series for younger toddlers since it's been requested a lot (would be perfect for your son I'm sure). It's never too early to start educating in a fun way! :) Tchuss! :)
